Typical TEFC electric



for the



The Millett Wet Vegetable Seed Separator is designed to harvest the seeds from vine ripened tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.  It has also been used with some success on cucumbers and grapes.  The separator screen has several adjustments which are dictated by the type of seed you are extracting.  The screen settings for the most efficient operation of the seed separator will be gleaned from your field experience. 


The separator is powered by a totally-enclosed, fan-cooled electric motor (TEFC).  The electric motor can be wired to operate on either 110 volts or 220 volts. 


     1.     Assembly:

               For ease of shipping purposes, the crated seed separator arrives partially

               disassembled.  The screen assembly and spray arm must be attached to the front

               of the machine before use.   Please refer to the Assembly Instructions on this
               website for proper positioning.

     2.     Location:

               a.     The seed separator should be located in a spot that is convenient to a good

                       water supply and a place for water to drain.  If necessary for the vegetable

                       being harvested, a garden hose should be connected to the inlet on the

                       machine.  Also, a garden hose with the squeeze nozzle (provided) should be

                       near by for use in cleaning the machine between lots and upon completion of

                       the days work.

               b.     The seed separator must be located near a source of electricity or a generator.

     3.     Before operating:

               a.     Place the machine on wooden blocks, a pallet or leave attached to the base of the

                      shipping crate.  This absorbs much of the shake and noise of the machine.

               b.     Have water hoses hooked up but turned off at the valves on the machine,

                      and electricity connected, if so equipped.

               c.     Place a tub or other collector at the end of the screen to catch the pulp

                      which will be discarded.

               d.     A bucket for catching the seed is to be placed at the end of the galvanized

                      pan under the screen.  (The screened bucket is used for peppers and

                       eggplant, not tomatoes.)

               e.     MOST IMPORTANT – Keep hands out of the beater section and away from

                       v-belt(s) when machine is in operation.

     4.     Actual operation:

               Dump vegetables into hopper and feed them by hand into the beaters.  To get

               the maximum recovery of seed, prevent overloading of the screen.

               a.     For Tomatoes:

                             i.     The screen should be kept at a fairly steep angle to allow the pulp

                                    to move off the screen fairly rapidly.  Experiment with this

                                    adjustment until satisfied with the operation of the machine.

                             ii.    Catch the seed in cans or buckets which can be placed in the sun or

                                    warm area to allow fermentation.  After fermentation for 24 hours

                                    or more depending upon temperature, water is to be added to the

                                    fermented mixture.  After pouring off the fine pulp at the top,

                                    clean seed is found at the bottom of the can.  The wet seed is then

                                    spread out to dry.

                           iii.     In actual operation on tomatoes, do not add water during the

                                    process.  A very small amount may be added, but if too much water

                                    is added the seed may germinate before it can be fermented,

                                    washed and dried.  The machine works efficiently on the natural

                                    liquid coming from the tomatoes themselves.  However, a small

                                    amount of seed will be lost in the pulp (typical recovery is about

                                    80%).  (Note:  Higher recovery of seed is possible using the sprayer

                                    over the screen, but the seed must be processed immediately with

                                    acid to avoid germination.)

               b.     For Peppers:

                             i.    The screen should be kept at a fairly steep angle to allow the pulp

                                    to move off the screen fairly rapidly.  Experiment with this

                                    adjustment until satisfied with the operation of the machine.

                            ii.     Have water turned on at the machine.  Adjust with valves for

                                    efficient operation and optimum seed recovery.  The nozzles on

                                    the spray arm are also adjustable. 

                           iii.     Place the screened bucket placed under the end of galvanized pan

                                    to catch the seed.  The screen of the bucket should be turned so

                                    the incoming water washes the screen and keeps it from plugging up

                                    with fine pulp.  The idea is to catch seed but not all the water.

                           iv.     The seed is then emptied into another bucket or can and after

                                    adding water the fine pulp is poured off leaving clean seed at the

                                    bottom.  Most of the seed that floats to the top is bad seed and

                                    should be discarded.

               c.     For Eggplant:

                                  The same procedure is used as for peppers except that it might be

                                  necessary to take a long knife and chop the fruit into chunks small

                                  enough that they may be feed into the beaters.

     4.     Clean Up:

               Make sure the machine is cleaned thoroughly with water using squeeze nozzle

               between vegetable lots to prevent cross contamination and upon completion of

               the days work.   

     5.     Maintenance:

               The seed machine has eight (8) grease fittings and should be greased periodically
               depending on usage.  The pillow block and flange main bearings need to be greased
               regularly.  The two rod end bearings on the cams should be greased before each use. 
               The other six rod-end bearings do not have fittings; however, putting a little oil on
               them will help increase their lifetime.  Check the v-belt(s) periodically for wear and proper tension.



The Millett Wet Vegetable Seed Separator is designed to provide many years of reliable service in harvesting seed for the research and development and commercialization of new vegetable varieties.  We at A.G.E. Manufacturing wish you much success in your endeavors.